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Greenpig Live Septic Tank Treatment

  • Detail

    Greenpig Solutions 53 Concentrated Formula Live Septic Tank Treatment, 2 Year Supply

    • Aids in the breakdown of septic waste to help avoid back up problems
    • GREEN PIG septic tank bacteria will keep sewage flowing without restriction
    • Treatment is populated with one billion septic tank bacteria that quickly multiply to absorb and digest sludge grease paper and solid waste
    • Packages contain 8 soluble packets for two years worth of treatments

    Why use GreenPig Septic Tank Treatment? Drainage failure is due to the gradual buildup of accumulated sludge. Undigested raw sewage and grime can build up throughout your entire septic system including the tank, lines, cesspit, sand mound, leach field and drain field when the system is untreated or poorly maintained. Due to the use of household cleaners and other common chemicals septic tank systems that have not been properly treated can have a difficult time digesting and degrading the raw septic sewage that enters the tank because of a decrease in beneficial septic tank bacteria. GreenPig septic tank treatment is populated with one billion septic tank bacteria that quickly multiply to absorb and digest sludge, grease, paper and solid waste which may clog your septic, cesspit, leach field, drain field or and mound systems.

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