Home / Rapid Set 55 lbs. Mortar Mix

Rapid Set 55 lbs. Mortar Mix

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    CTS Cement Manufacturing 140010055 55lb Rap Set Mortar Bag

    Rapid Set Mortar Mix is a high quality mortar that is suitable for vertical and overhead applications. It is ideal when rapid strength gain, high durability and low shrinkage are desired. Use Mortar Mix for general and structural concrete repair, stucco and plaster repair, 1-coat exterior plaster, mortar beds, underlayment and formed work. Mortar Mix sets in 15-minutes and is ready to drive or build on in 1-hours. Durable in wet environments, it can be applied from 12 in. to 6 in. thick. Mortar Mix is a blend of high performance Rapid Set cement with quality sand. Mortar Mix offers superior resistance to chemical attack. It is non-metallic and no chlorides are added. Mortar Mix allows the repair areas to be painted, coated or sealed quickly after application. Under dry conditions, water-based coatings such as latex paint can be applied after the product is hardened, which usually takes 1-hours to 4-hours. Solvent-based and impermeable coatings such as oil based paint and epoxy can be applied in 16-hours.

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