Home / Woodcraft Woodshop Maple Curly 3/4 X 5 X 24

Woodcraft Woodshop Maple Curly 3/4 X 5 X 24

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    Woodcraft Woodshop Maple, Curly – 3/4″ x 5″ x 24″

    • Attractive grain pattern
    • Linear wave figure

    Curly maple is not actually a species, but simply a description of a figure in the grain. Curly maple occurs most often in soft maples, but is also seen in hard maples. The heartwood is typically a light tan to reddish brown color and, of course, features a pronounced grain pattern. The sapwood is usually cream colored with a reddish tint. Curly maple is a durable, hard, and dense wood, which carves and turns exceedingly well, and finishes nicely. Curly maple is also referred to as tiger maple, flame or fiddleback maple. This thin stock is cut to size from quality, kiln-dried material. 100 percent clear and sanded on both sides. Dimensions are +/- 1/8 inch. Grain runs with the longest dimension. USA & West Coast Canada.

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